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Efforts of Kaikoukai into Indonesia

We had opened this website to promote the mutual understanding between Japanese staff and foreign staff by announcing Kaikoukai’ activities with Indonesia to many Indonesian people including our group staff.
We introduce the acceptance of foreign staffs including Indonesian, Kaikoukai Group’s unique support and efforts on this website.
In addition, we introduce the support for Indonesians who want to work in Japan, lectures at universities outside Japan and acceptances of residents etc. on this website.

The member of Overseas Human Resource Development Department, Kaikoukai Healthcare Corporation

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Kaikoukai Group’s Systems and Activities for accepting foreigners

Acceptance and Employment of Foreign Staff
We employ foreigners with various kind of status, such as permanent residency and Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services visa including Specified Skilled Worker(1), EPA trainees.
Please go to the link below to take a look at the activities of our foreign staff.
Relationships with Local Governments and Universities in Indonesia
We have built close relationships with local government in Indonesia, and partnered with leading universities and held seminars. Kaikoukai staff introduce the medical care and systems in Japan.
Please go to the link below to take a look at seminars, and acceptances of residents and medical students.

Mutual Understanding beyond the Differences in Cultures and Values
Indonesian staff working at this corporation held Indonesian language class for Japanese staff.
They also made the supplementary teaching aid for Indonesian who are going to learn Japanese in the future.
Please go to the link below to take a look at the activities of our foreign staff.

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